Sunday, August 9, 2009

You told me to get a blog, so here it is

I've been spending way too much time on DataLounge since I found it. They really can be a bunch of cranky old queens, except, of course, for Tigernan. They keep telling me to get a blog, so here it is. Enjoy it for what it is -- the inane ramblings of an 18-year-old student, living in New York City.

I am a student -- pre-med but, as was recently pointed out, pre-med is just an udergrad doing a lot of science and hoping to get into med school some day. I enjoy swimming but I'm not really good enough for the college team, and I am writing a novel.

Yeah, the novel. My friend Josh is writing a vampire novel. One of her characters is an 18 year-old guy. She based this minor character on me, so she said, and now I have co-opted this character for myself. His name is Ciaran and he is gay (duh). He is in love with Andreas, a 2000-year-old vampire with a human age of 52. From time to time I will give you snippets of this novel on a separate blog.

Like it or not, here I am


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Come back, we miss you.